In "A VISION OF JAPAN IN 2116" , we asked "What will Japan be like in 100 years?" to a unique, diverse group of Japanese companies, and depicted them in a single landscape. We created this painting with the faith that in 2116, Japan will be full of hope and happiness.
There will be no stiff shoulders or obesity.
We will be in full control of our own bodies.R-body project Co., Ltd.
People will enjoy coexisting with nature,
and Tokyo will be the most desirable city to live in.Ascot Corp.
The Japanese population will be at 50 million,
but we will also have 100 million foreign tourists.ATTA Co., Ltd./Toida Komuten Co., Ltd.
Just like sushi, many Japanese food cultures
will be highly regarded in the United States.EK Food Services, Inc.
Industrial waste disposal will be performed underground,
and clean energy will be produced in factories.Ishizaka Group
Not just “sales promotion” but “purchasing promotion”
will become mainstream in Japan.UTSUMI SANGYO CO. LTD.
By connecting producers with consumers,
we will be at the center of the world’s food business.AP COMPANY CO.,LTD.
Houses will be powered by artificial intelligence,
and your health will always be monitored.Estate Hakuba
Increased immigration, climate change, overfishing…
We will be developing in an ever-changing environment.Ohkawa Suisan
Outer space will become a travel destination.
“Let’s take a trip” will be in reference to a different planet.Okuma Industry
Dramatic changes will occur until 2030.
After then, we will welcome a peaceful era.Kanax corporation
People will work, not just to survive,
but to truly enjoy their time.crasco
In a futuristic city, people will seek rural scenery.
Old capitalism will end in destruction,
while a new Japanese people will arise.CRAZY, Inc.
There will be a Renaissance that starts in Japan,
inviting the world to look at us in a different way.SAIBOKU
The customers at our restaurants will look at us
and want to work here for themselves.Sangue, Inc.
100 years isn’t so far away.
What will be tested then, is our desire to be of aid to someone else.Sunmark Publishing Inc.
The population will not be concentrated in Tokyo.
The linear motor car will move real estate demands to Fukuoka.SANWA Estate
We will be the world’s largest group of sweets enthusiasts.
Everyone will want to work with us.SUZETTE HOLDINGS Co. Ltd.
Men and women of all ages will be smiling and
enjoying sports in a vast, grassy field.Shonan Bellmare
We are built upon the pains and labors of our ancestors.
We need to work hard now, so people of the future think the same.ShinEi Kinzoku
There will be more international marriages,
and even some weddings held on the moon.SKYPALACE ASSOCIATES
Everyone will be dressing and assembling personal robots.
All clothing and parts will be recyclable.SOU
We will be more in tune with people’s hearts,
and a new way of being will arise for our society.SORA co. Ltd.
We won’t be building and destroying,
but repurposing old buildings to be beautiful on the inside.TAKEMURA CO.,LTD
Our passion to create the best scales has persisted for 100 years,
and will remain unchanged 100 years later.TANAKA SCALE WORKS CO., LTD.
“Sugoikaigi” will become a social infrastructure.
There will be more happy people because of it.Decision Inc.
Everyone in the world will have
equal access to the “pursuit of fashion.”TIN PAN ALLEY CO., LTD.
100 years later, all highly rated residences in Tokyo
will be built by us, starting now.TOSHIN Co., Ltd.
There will be an increased fear or war and violence,
but our connection to each other will increase our happiness.DEF ANNIVERSARY
The Japanese party scene will be evolving,
with more familiarity in our daily lives.Treat Co.,Ltd
There will be more kids in Japan.
Education will become an essential industry.9GATES GROUP CO.,LTD.
People from around the world will come to eat from the same pan.
This will be a small but important aid to world peace.Ningyocho Imahan
What is most important are our people.
This will lead to the next 100 years.NEGISHI FOOD SERVICE.
We do not see a bright future for Japan.
But we will continue living, even through tough times.fujitakenso
We will have built hotels in cities around the world.
Our Omotenashi spirit will be embedded in all aspects of society.Plan・Do・See Inc.
Oyako-don will become a representative of Japanese cuisine.
The dish will be loved globally.TORIKAI
We cannot know what will happen in 100 years.
We just want to continue to be loved by our fans.mitsumoto coffee co.,ltd
We will be pursuing the ultimate happiness, which is love.
Education will become our primary pursuit.Miraigakyoki Laboratory Co., Ltd.
In a world where artificial intelligence will be in our everyday,
our value as people will be more important than ever.YOKO CHAN
The Japanese will continue to place significance in objects.
We will create a new field in traditional artistry.Yokote Ningyou Co.,Ltd.
Women will transform, and the world will be full of love.
That is why overall happiness will increase tenfold.LIFE CREATE
We will cause a revolution in the way we work,
and become a savior to hard-working women.RANK UP
Hearing aids will be as ubiquitous as glasses.
They will make people healthier and happier.LEAD VISION
People should remember what is truly important to them,
and create a future with that in mind.Wailea Inc.
100 years later, we will still place importance in “people.”
ONE DINING co., ltd.